Twinkling of an Eye
the mystery and mundane of spiritual growth
Reverend Dr. Allison Andrews
2018- present pastor for Bascom United Methodist Church
2016-2017 to present pastor for a "two point charge" at First United Methodist Church, Bascom United Methodist Church
2013- 2015 Vibrant Church Initiative preacher for the Texas Annual Conference
2011-2013 Pastor of Pleasant Retreat United Methodist Church
2006 – 2014 Associate Pastor, Marvin United Methodist Church, Tyler, Texas, Concurrently responsible for: Single Adult Ministry, Women’s Ministry, and Senior Adult Ministry Additional responsibilities: regular preaching in both traditional and contemporary services, teaching, pastoral care
Boards and Positions: former board member of Tyler Day Care Nursery, former Hospice of East Texas board member, former East Texas Symphony Orchestra board member, former Lakeview Conference Center board member, Salvation Army Women's Auxiliary Chaplain, civic theater participant, past and current chairman for the Board of Trustees for the Northwest District of the United Methodist Church, past and current Texas Rose Festival sponsor, a member of the Women's Fund, supporter for St. Paul Children's foundation for 13 years
2004 – 2006 Associate Pastor, Pollard United Methodist Church, Tyler, Texas Work area responsibilities: Women’s Ministry, Missions, Evangelism, Assimilation, and General Pastoral Duties
2003 Moved family to Tyler, Texas
1993 – 2002 Associate Pastor, First United Methodist Church, Houston, Texas ; Dr. William H. Hinson, Dr. Steve Wende – Senior Pastors; Concurrent responsibilities: Women’s Ministry, Evangelism, Assimilation, Missions Additional responsibilities included: preaching, pastoral care, Indigent Ministry, teaching the 150 member Adelphi Sunday School Class
Executive Director of the Downtown Campus of First United Methodist Church of Houston Duties included: Liaison between Senior Pastor and other Pastors and Staff, responsible for developing and implementing all church programming and integrating all aspects of the church with overall church goals and mission statement. Served on the Texas Annual Conference Evangelism Committee during the 1990’s.
Other Work Experience
1987 Missionary, Mission Service Project, El Paraiso Colonia (near Mission, Texas), Served 6 months as a Missionary on the Texas – Mexico border. Work resulted in the establishment and building of a church in the poor immigrant Hispanic community of El Paraiso.
May 1993 Deacon, Texas Annual Conference
May 1995 Elder, Texas Annual Conference
December 2011, Doctor of Ministry Degree in Applied Ministry with a concentration on Conflict Resolution, Graduate Theological Foundation, South Bend, Indiana
January 1992 Masters of Divinity, PerkinsSchool of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
1991-1992 Clinical Pastoral Education, Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas; Completed 2 Basic Units and 3 Advanced Units
December 1988 Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies, Cum Laude and with Departmental Distinction, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
Children: Caroline (23) 1995, Andrew (21) 1998
Community Volunteer Work includes: Tyler Day Nursery, East Texas Symphony Orchestra, Junior League of Tyler, and Tyler Independent School District, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, St. Paul Children’s Foundation, Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary Chaplain, Board of Directors for Hospice of East Texas, Board of Directors for Lakeview Methodist Conference Center, Board of Directors for East Texas Symphony Orchestra, chairman for the Board of Trustees for the Northwest District of the United Methodist Church, civic theater participant, sponsor for the Texas Rose Festival, member of the Women's Fund, thirteen year supporter of St. Paul Children's Foundation, mission work in East Tyler and Houston